Thursday 3 December 2009

percepat naikin pagerank

naiknya peringkat web atau blog (page rank ) dari google berdasarkan banyaknya web yang melingks blog atau web kita, pengalaman saya, dulu untuk menaikan page rank susah amat, karena ketidaktahuan saya, udah di tunggu 6 bulan, yang saya lakukan sudah berkomentar disana sini,

dengan harapan dapat links dari blog tersebut, masih aja tetep O besar, akhri nya nanya sana sini, dapatlah jurus baru, hehe, intinya kalau komentar harus nyari blog atau web yang sudah punya rank minimal pagerank 1 kalau di atas nya lebih bagus, karena akan mempercepat kenaikan pagerank, terus bagai mana cara agar dapat melihat rank blog yang kita komentari, silahkan instal tool firefox google page rank, secara otomatis akan menampilkan rank web atau blog yang kita buka, dengan begitu kita mudah untuk mengecek sasaran yang akan di follow dan dikomentari, hehe, selamat mencari pagerank,.

Sunday 29 November 2009

Salah Satu Vocab Yang digunakan sejak 1599

ongruous • \KAHNG-groo-us\ • adjective
1 *a : being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence
b : conforming to the circumstances or requirements of a situation : appropriate
2 : marked or enhanced by harmonious agreement among constituent elements

Example Sentence:

“I’m not convinced that your ideas are congruous with the client’s expressed desire for simplicity,” wrote my boss at the top of the design plan I’d submitted.

Did you know?

"Congruous" has been used in English since at least 1599, when it appeared in the following description: "All the parts of his bodie were in good proportion, and congruous as a man could wish." It has remained more or less true to its Latin roots: it is derived from Latin "congruus," an adjective that comes from the verb "congruere," which means "to come together" or “to agree." Another familiar "congruere" descendant in English is "congruent," which first appeared at least a century earlier with the same meaning as "congruous." We also acquired "congrue," a verb meaning "to be in harmony" or "to agree," from "congruere," but it has since become obsolete.

*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentences